Iqra Math and Science Academy (IMSA) is committed to provide excellence in academia and character building in a protected environment. IMSA is devoted to giving students the true spirit of Islam by teaching Hifz-ul-Quran, Islamic Manners and basic Fiqh without compromising academic excellence. IMSA Academic Faculty is certified and highly experienced in teaching math, science and language arts.



IMSA began dual enrollment courses in Math and English during the 2018-2019 school year. These courses were offered through adjunct professors at JSU and held on campus at IMSA. Plans are underway to continue with dual enrollment classes in the years to come as well with expansion to other academic areas. Dual Enrollment classes offer 10th, 11th, and 12thgrade students the opportunity to take advanced classes which would provide both high school credit and college credits simultaneously, thus allowing graduating seniors an opportunity to enter college with multiple college courses already mastered.



In the lower grades a special emphasis is placed on reading, language arts, and math. Students focus on reading and comprehension, writing, math, and reasoning skills. Science and social studies are also taught on a daily basis.



Literature is an important aspect of our learning environment. Each grade level is exposed to a various genre of novels throughout the school year. Students read the texts in class and participate in literature circles, partner discussions, individual projects and testing revolving around the novel.



In the upper elementary and middle grades emphasis is placed on the traditional academic courses of grammar, math, science and social studies. Students also participate in study skills and creative writing classes each week. Algebra-1 is taught in the middle grades as part of our accelerated mathematics program.